Wednesday, December 9, 2009

As I write this, a heavy stone owl is staring at me.

Thanks Gen. You're an ass kicker.

I wanted to give everyone the line-up for the reading, share an event, make a thought then get the hell out of this blog!!! AAHHHHHH!!

The List of People Who Will Be Reading Poetry at This Poetry Reading Is:
Jon Desjardins
Sara Kennedy
Adam Mitchell
Adam Rzepka
(they have the same first name. last time we had two Ians. Coincidence?...Yes)

Also we may have another poet or two tossed in there. I still have to sort some shit out.

I was invited to a reading up at Eastern Michigan's Student Center by Nick Vanderpool. I'm not entirely clear on the specifics, but I believe it's for Anna Vitale's poetry performance class. It's going down Monday, December 14th at 6pm in the EMU Student Center Auditorium. I'm planning on going! Yeehaw! Support your local student poets, and convince them to grow up and become a poet.

If I got the details on that event wrong, please, someone, let me know.

Something else I was thinking about
People often talk about poetry as being read. But often I hear people talking about it being "done". I'm not sure what is the cause of this semantic difference. Maybe "done" sounds less professional than "read", and people often are SO SCARED to call themselves actual poets (akin to hipsterism). If you say that you're going to read your poetry that makes it sound like you actually write poetry which can be read, as opposed to coincidentally having some poems on you which you can then "do."
Or...perhaps it's appealing to poetry being actually so tactile, visual, physical and performative. If your poetry is you staring at a dishwasher, are you really reading, or are you just doing? Do we open up the verb in order to include dishwasher staring into the realm of poetry?
Or, what I think is probably the case is maybe poetry can't be read, but only ever "done" which only can ever be had sex with.

(That last sentence was a grammatical explosion which I realize could be lethal since it results in someone having sexual relations with something else - for which I apologize. I just hope that the entity on the receiving end of that awkward sentence that ends in a preposition is happy and feels fulfilled. Also, sorry to talk about grammar.)

So long and keep it real.


  1. I have me an idear. I've been writing a lot using song lyrics (either poems based off the lyrics or incorporating them), and I think, perhaps, this could be an interesting exercise for a number of people to engage in and share. Even if only for fun. These "things" filter into our writing anyway, so to acknowledge the transaction might be very healthy, or at the very least interesting.

    Just a thought :)

  2. Rock on. Would you have something ready by late January? I have a secret desire that this upcoming reading will be a technological explosion, and song lyrics could fit quite swimmingly into all that.
