There's a lot of great events coming up, and I wanted to post them all up here. As always, if yr interested in going let me know and we can arrange an extravagant car pool event.
Thursday, March 18th 7pm - K. Silem Mohammad @ the MOCAD (Detroit)More than excited to see this guy. KSM is a leader of the flarf movement.
Click for his blogMore info on
MOCAD event siteMonday, March 22nd 5:30 pm - The Sexy Poets Society presents Listening Out Loud @ Beezys Cafe (Ypsilanti)Yeah, duh. The 3rd room at Beezys may be open so we might be able to be in there this time. (what what)
On the docket this time is Sara Kennedy, Leto Rankine, Andrew Stevens & Brian Tucker.
Be there, or be retarded.
Thursday, April 1st & Friday, April 2nd - Anselm Berrigan (Ann Arbor & Detroit)I honestly just know this guy as the son of Ted Berrigan & Alice Notley(sorry about that. I feel bad.), but he's supposed to be rad as hell.
I recommend attending the Friday reading out in Detroit, because SPS good friend & awesome poet Anna Vitale will be opening with her work.
Anna was originally the one who told me about the event, and I
think she said that Friday it'll be going down at the CCS in Detroit - however I can't find any info on it on the great world wide web. So I'll have to update this later.
Either way, certainly plan on going.
Well, that's all for now lovelies. Hope to see you the 22nd. Kisses and Hugs.